Monday, September 20, 2010


So, one of my areas of particular struggle is Church Politics.  “So-in-so is not helping with the children.”  “So-in-so is not helping in the kitchen.”  “So-in-so is not tithing.”  “So-in-so is not rationing the toilet paper properly!”  It bothers me so much I find myself reacting in a way that I am not proud of.  For that I am sorry. 

That said…  Let’s look at the situation from fresh new eyes.  If you are going to be doing the work of the Lord how should your heart be?  Now, I know that is a loaded question, but lets take a look at it.  If you are hard at work in the children's department, sweating bullets trying to be prepared, and praying you may reach a child today what happens when you are also harboring resentment because Ms. Smith is not in there helping you?  Most likely that resentment will present itself during your time with those children.  You will not be as effective as you should be.  You may inadvertently end up causing more harm than good.

Now, Ms. Smith is working in the kitchen during a church-wide event.  She is busy making sure tea is made, silverware is ready, and stressing over if there will be enough food.  She is also upset about an altercation with you this morning when you stated you could not work in the kitchen today because you had to keep an eye on your children.  Now, as Ms. Smith is serving a spoon full of mashed potatoes to a visitor, she slings the food on the plate without so much as a smile.  The visitor, who has not yet accepted Christ, is now completely turned off.  She thinks that if that is what being a Christian is all about she wants no part of it!

Those are large situations, but what about Ms. Jones.  Ms. Jones does not like the fact that some of the younger congregants are coming to church in slacks instead of dresses.  She voices this opinion in mixed company and it is overheard by a young new visitor (who happens to be wearing slacks that day).  That visitor never comes back.

I say all of this for this point.  Shouldn’t we serve with a joyful heart?  If we are truly doing what we are doing for the glory of God would we notice the actions of everyone else?  That leads me to ask…  Are you serving for the glory of God or are you serving for the glory of you??  Brothers and Sisters, I implore you serve with a joyful heart, enjoy what you are doing, and leave the politics out of it.  Many a person has been turned off to Christianity because of Church Politics.  Let’s demonstrate the true love of Christ!  If we are to be that only Bible someone reads today lets make sure we are expressing the true spirit of Christ.

A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.  Proverbs 15:13

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